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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Handbook of Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolism

Posted by Piscean on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 0 comments

A Handbook of Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolismis a stimulating new text that examines the techniques,methodology, and theory of bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics, and metabolism from the perspective of scientists with extensive professional experience in drug discovery and development. These three areas of research help drug developers to optimize the active component within potential drugs thereby increasing their effectiveness, and to provide safety and efficacy information required by regulators when granting a drug license. Professionals with extensive experience in drug discovery and development as well as specialized knowledge of the individual topics contributed to each chapter to create a current and well-credentialed text. It covers topics such as high performance liquid chromatography, protein binding, pharmacokinetics and drugdrug interactions. The unique industrial perspective helps to reinforce theory and develop valuable analytical and interpreting skills.

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