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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hetrocyclic Chemistry At A glance

Posted by Piscean on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 0 comments

Product Discription
An understanding of the chemistry of heterocycles is essential in the study and application of organic chemistry, as well as being a central part of the increasingly popular medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry degree courses. Heterocyclic Chemistry at a Glance provides a concise overview of the main principles and reactions of heterocyclic chemistry, for students studying chemistry and related courses at undergraduate level. Based on the highly successful and student friendly "at a glance" approach, the material developed in this book has been chosen to help the student grasp the essence of heterocyclic chemistry, ensuring that they can confidently use that knowledge when required. Students wanting an accessible overview of heterocyclic chemistry will find this book an ideal source of the information they require. In addition the structure of the book, which facilitates the rapid assimilation, understanding and recall of critical concepts, facts and definitions, will provide an invaluable aid to revision for students preparing for examinations.

Link updated  18-10-2010

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