"... should therefore be included in the library of every chemistry
department. Experts in the field of catalysis and organic synthesis in
both academia and industry will value the book as a very important
"spring-loaded" source of information."
Angewandte Chemie
Angewandte Chemie
Product Description
Aziridines and epoxides are among the most widely used intermediates
in organic synthesis, acting as precursors to complex molecules due to
the strains incorporated in their skeletons. Besides their importance as
reactive intermediates, many biologically active compounds also contain
these three-membered rings. Filling a gap in the literature,
this clearly structured book presents the much needed information in a
compact and concise way. The renowned editor has succeeded in gathering
together excellent authors to cover synthesis, applications, and the
biological aspects in equal depth.
Divided roughly equally between aziridines and epoxides, the twelve chapters discuss:
Divided roughly equally between aziridines and epoxides, the twelve chapters discuss:
- Synthesis of aziridines
- Nucleophilic ring-opening of aziridines and epoxides
- Organic synthesis with aziridine building blocks
- Vinyl aziridines in organic synthesis
- Diastereoselective aziridination reagents
- Synthetic aspects of aziridinomitocene chemistry
- Biosynthesis of biologically important aziridines
- Organic catalysis of epoxide and aziridine ring formation
- Metal-mediated synthesis of epoxides
- Asymmetric epoxide ring opening chemistry
- Epoxides in complex molecule synthesis
- Biological activity of epoxide-containing molecules
Product Details
- Hardcover: 516 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-VCH (March 21, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 3527312137
- ISBN-13: 978-3527312139
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